I vores internationale afdeling, Viborg International School, har vi ledige pladser i vores indskoling og mellemtrin i det kommende skoleår.
Drømmer du om et engelsk grundskoleforløb i Cambridge systemet, hvor man efter 10. klasse afslutter med IGCSE-eksamen samt FP9 i dansk?
Lidt om Viborg International School:
- Alle fag foregår på et højt engelskniveau
- Undervisningen varetages af ’native speaking’ lærere
- Fagene følger Cambridge-systemets pensum og prøver
- Der er i alt fem klasser med to-tre årgange i hver klasse
- Der er ca. 80 elever med 24 forskellige nationaliteter
Indmeldelse kan ske via hjemmesiden HER
Læs mere om Viborg International School
For the school year of 2022/23, we have vacancies at stage 1 – 6. Please contact the school for further information.
Do you dream of an English elementary school program in the Cambridge system, where you finish 10th grade with an IGCSE exam and the national exam in Danish?
About Viborg International School:
- All lessons are conducted at a high level of English
- All the teaching is done by ‘native speaking’ teachers
- The subjects follow the Cambridge system curriculum and tests
- There are a total of five classes with two or three year levels in each class
- There are app. 80 students with 24 different nationalities
You can send an email or call us for further information – registration on our waiting list can be done on our homepage HERE
Read more about Viborg International School